Marcegaglia Buildtech can supply three different photovoltaic structures systems according to
customer’s requests, sites characteristics and sun exposure.

1) The structure supports 32 P.V. modules
2) Each structure portion can produce 8 kW.

3) The horizontal dimension of the structure module is 4,00 m. by 13,60 m. aproximately.
4) The structure module lays only on 4 uprights fixed on the ground by ordinary simple

5) The slope of the P.V. modules support can be modified according to every specific value
requested by the customer (slope variation step allowed is 1 degree).

6) The structure module components are connected by bolts. Production procedures and
assembling phases don’t include any welding.
7) The following profiles and components surfaces protections are available:
- painting.
- coil pre-galvanization.
- hot dip galvanization.
- stainless steel.

8) Optimization of the ratio (weight / kW) = 81 kg/kW
9) Easy assembling based on light components. The heaviest and biggest frame component
weight is less than 50 kg. Every assembling procedure can be easily done manually.

10) Optimization of uprights insertion on the ground.
- 2 kw production each 1 upright inserted.
- 1 upright each 13,60 square meters.

11) Loads bearing capacity.
Every structure will be calculated according to local rules existing on site.
The lighter combination of profiles can guarantee, at least, a vertical loads bearing capacity of
215 daN/m2 calculated and verified under elastic stress limits.
Every additional loads can be easily supported using different combination of thickness profiles..

12) Every supply can be "customer dedicated".
Marcegaglia Buildtech can offer a full supply all inclusive (design, production, delivery, assembling,
assistance). Marcegaglia Buildtech can guarantee that every component of the system has been
developed and optimized. Marcegaglia Buildtech has developed its system according to the
various dimensions of P.V. modules available on the market. The system includes all the ancillary
components fit to guarantee the correct behaviour of the structure.
